4 Factors

4 Factors

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There are 4 Factors which allow a company to predict their revenue. Taken individually, these factors do not make or break a business, but considered altogether, they will allow the sales team to accelerate their earnings.

The FACT is, a pipeline is driven by 4 key factors — the improvement of which guarantees an improvement in revenue performance.

The 4 Factors are:


Average Sale

Conversion Rate

Time to Close

FACT = Sales

When FACT is increasing, sales is increasing — without exception. Therefore, if you are not hitting your sales targets, one or more of the FACT variables in your business is declining or insufficient.


Flow refers to the newly qualified deals that have entered the pipeline. Ideally, a sales team should have a consistent number of new deals entering the pipeline any given month. An inconsistent flow of new deals will lead to inconsistent wins.


Average Sale

The Average Sale is the average of the price of deals that have been won.

AverageSale=sum(DealAmount)/DealsWonAverageSale = sum(DealAmount) / DealsWon

Over time, a sales team should try to improve the Average Sale so that they make way into ever larger deals. All else being equal, for most businesses it is better to sell larger deals.


Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate (also known as Win Rate) is the number of deals won out all of the deals closed (won or lost)

ConversionRate=DealsWon/(DealsWon+DealsLost)ConversionRate = DealsWon / (DealsWon + DealsLost)
Conversion Rate does not take into account open deals

Over time a sales team should see Conversion Rate increase as they are developing their skills, as the marketing team is improving their targeting, and as the delivery team is improving their operations.

Time to Close

Time to Close is how many days a deal takes to close, and is also known as aging. Time to Close is often referred to as the Sales cycle. For many businesses, the older a deal becomes, the less likely it is to win. The specific distribution of ages is known as the Aging Schedule. In some businesses, the probability increases for some time before then decreasing. The average age of the deals determines how young or old a sales pipeline is relative to that businesses’ ideal pipeline. When we say that a pipeline is ‘young’ this means it has a lot of potential wins remaining, and an ‘old’ pipeline has almost no potential wins left. Knowing the age of the deals therefore allows the business to see if they are spinning their wheels on deals not likely to win.

Getting into the FACTS

How can you use the 4 FACTs to improve your sales & revenue? Think about the areas where you can take action to improve each factor and what the resulting impact might be on your sales performance. For each factor, consider what metrics you can track to measure progress and how you can use these metrics to make informed decisions that will help increase sales.


  • Increase the number of leads generated through marketing and sales activities
  • Monitor and optimize lead quality and qualification

Average Sale

  • Increase the price of products and services
  • Cross-sell and upsell to existing customers

Conversion Rate

  • Improve targeting and segmentation to ensure messaging is relevant
  • Train and equip sales reps with the skills and resources needed to close deals

Time to Close

  • Set and manage expectations with customers in the sales cycle
  • Streamline and automate processes to reduce time to close

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PRO is sponsored by SalesInsights.io, a reporting and dashboard tool implementing the PRO Framework.

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